An Introduction to Rust for Rubyists

Union St, 18-20 Union Street, S1 2JP
6.30 to 8.30pm

What is it about Rust that is attracting Ruby devs, programmers from other high-level languages, and systems developers from languages like C?

This talk will look at some of the language features that make Rust expressive like Ruby but also performant enough to interest those from the C and C++ world.

We will take a beginner-friendly look at the type system, ideas around ‘ownership’ of memory, and the useful tooling around the language.

About our speaker

Daniel King is a web developer, working mainly with Rails and interested in new languages (bringing us Elixir, couple of meetups ago). He once met Matz at a beach party in Barcelona and will take any chance he can get to brag about it.

About our venue

Our meetup will take place at our venue, Union St.

After the meetup, we’ll be heading to The Devonshire Cat for drinks, food and chat.