What is puppet and why should I care about it?

University of Sheffield Enterprise, 210 Portobello, S1 4AE
6.30 to 8.30pm

This month’s talk is from Stephen Johnson and is on Puppet:

The talk will cover the fundamentals of the language, explaining its basic usages, the design decisions that shaped the language and how to actually write puppet manifests. As well as this, why, as a developer / system administrator, you should care about deploying puppet to your infrastructure.

Stephen is a senior Systems / Network administrator with experience of deploying multiple enterprise environments with many years experience as software developer and systems engineer. He has worked for Nokia and Puppet labs, in the latter role travelling globally to deliver Puppet Labs training / consultancy to some of the worlds largest IT companies.

With the help of epiGenesys we’re at the Enterprise Zone this month.

Join our Google+ event to let us know you’re coming.

Someone will be around from 18.15 if you’re around and we’ll probably head out for a drink in The Red Deer afterwards.