Using and Abusing Ruby for Computer Science Great Good

Union St, 18-20 Union Street, S1 2JP
6.30 to 8.30pm

In a talk that will be mostly live demonstration with some interactivity with the audience, we will playfully take a tiny subset of the Ruby language and explore how far it can be taken and what can be built by exploiting a single language feature. In the process, we’ll learn about (or revise) some interesting computer science and explore a less common paradigm of programming. As a hint on where this is going, read the speaker bio.

You will need your laptop with Ruby installed (any recent version should work, and you will get instructions on the day to follow along.

About our speaker

Brice Fernandes is a freelance software engineer and entrepreneur. He is interested in functional languages, Flow-Based Programming, functional-reactive programming, polyglot frameworks and data-centric design.

About our venue

Our meetup will take place at our venue, Union St.

After the meetup, we’ll be heading to The Devonshire Cat for drinks, food and chat.