Show and tell - Experiences working with a startup, the public sector, and building a Ruby CMS

The GIST Lab
7pm to 9pm

This month’s ShRUG talk is from Andy Goundry.

The talk is a ‘Show and Tell’ session, where Andy will present some lessons learned working on products for a startup whose primary client is in the public sector, whose product requirements have been extremely fluid, and whose development team has been part-time and remote. Andy will also cover some of the technical lessons learned whilst evolving one of these products into an easily extensible CMS capable of hosting sites of vastly different content types.

The talk will cover lessons learned working in such an embryonic environment, plus technical topics, such as:

More details will emerge as Andy writes his presentation.

Tickets are be available on our EventBrite page, please sign up if you’re coming. Someone will be around from 18.45 if you’re around and we’ll probably head out for a drink afterwards.